Facial Peel (BioRePeelCl3)


£80 - 30min | 6 treatments £400

BioRePeel is a painless procedure suited to all skin types and age ranges, which can be undertaken all year round to address a wide range of issues. Skin texture, elasticity and dullness are significantly improved, while fine lines and wrinkles become noticeably softened. The treatment is particularly effective at rectifying pigmentation and sun-damaged skin and regulating sebum production. It can also be highly effective at reducing acne and post-acne scarring and blackheads for younger clients.

BioRePeel is an innovative, bi-phase TCA peel, with a bio stimulating, revitalising and peeling action. No preparation is required prior to the treatment. Packed full of amino acids and vital vitamins, its exfoliating and keratolytic properties promote cell turnover and profound stimulation to counter the effects of skin ageing and even scarring. There is no downtime after the treatment has been undertaken. 

Course of 6 treatments (payable in two installments) £400